reason to panic

The only Podcast for

The worried mind

We give you a reason to panic each week, so you never have to worry about running out of reasons ... to panic.


Episode List

Episode 12

Spaghetti in Space

There's not much out there we know less about than outer space. 
Yet man has been obsessed with it for centuries.
There's not much about space that is appealing, at least when it comes to helping humans live. Getting outside our atmosphere, if done, will result in instant death for whatever person is out there, if they don't take the proper precautions. But if this episode were about some guy getting into outer space and then realizing too late that he needed a spacesuit, it wouldn't be a reason to panic.
Not really.
That guy just deserves a Darwin Award.
No, the reason to panic this week is a much bigger reason--of Galactic scale. This week, we're talking about a star killer, something with enough power to turn a star bigger than our sun into something that resembles a huge, nuclear-powered piece of spaghetti.
Tune in and find out why you should be extra scared of this extra-terrestrial threat. 

Episode 11

Man's Best Friend?

It was just a normal onset of the flu for Mr. Manteufel ... 
... until he started getting delirious.
Then came the bruises, They started off small, and barely noticeable, but it didn't take long for the bruising to spread all over the poor man's body. If he'd been in his right mind, which he wasn't because of an elevated fever, he would have been seriously concerned. His wife, however, was extremely concerned, and she did what a loving, caring spouse would do in a situation where her significant other looked like he'd been on the wrong side of the baseball bat in a home-run hitting contest.
She took him to the hospital.
And it's a good thing she did. She saved his life ... but she couldn't save all of him. Amputations came, but to hear what limbs the unfortunate lost, you'll need to listen to the episode.
The doctors questioned his wife about her husband's actions and behavior before he got sick, but they couldn't find anything out of the ordinary. He was a relatively healthy man, with no warning signs at all.
In the end, they could only pin it on one thing, and this is probably going to surprise you.
Mr. Manteufel liked dogs.

Episode 10

Zombies Among Us

They are idolized in pop culture ...

... from Michael Jackson to Brad Pitt. Everyone loves zombies.

What's not to like? They are creepy, they feed on the gray matter of living humans, their body parts are falling off ... They're also a universally accepted part of Halloween, at least in the United States. It's one thing to dress up like one, to watch one on TV, to joke about your great-uncle Bart at family reunions; but what if zombies existed among us?

Would they still be an accepted symbol for millions or weirdos at a Rob Zombie concert? We at Reason to Panic don't think so.In fact, we'd wager a large amount of monopoly money that Zombies would be looked at in a much different light than they are now, and we have some news for you.

Zombies do exist. And for this special Halloween episode, we're going to tell you where they are and why you need to panic, like right now. Listen to the episode and find out the truth about Uncle Bart.

Episode 9

Cyber attack

It was supposed to be a regular weeked ...

... and then their computer systems tanked.

Cyberattacks are for real, and they are increasing at nearly 400%, and that's just cyberattacks on our government. The alarming frequency of these attacks, and the impact they have on the public at large are scary.So scary, we actually got our first 10 on the panic scale.

Imagine, being able to control the fate of hundreds, or even thousands, of lives with the push of a single button. That's what we have going on here.

Just ask Universal Health Services--a hospital chain with 400 locations in the United States how scary that could be.

The only question that remains is this: Should you panic?

Listen to the episode to find out.

Episode 8

A bunch of Condoms

Contraception is a part of life for billions of people ...

... but not every method is as good as the next.

Take condoms, for example. When someone purchases condoms, there are lots of assumptions associated with them--things you don't think about. First, you'll probably assume the condom has no holes. Second, that the condom is clean and safe to use. Third, you'll probably assume that the device has never been used. After all, aren't condoms marketed as a "one-time thing?"

Well, you'll have to change those assumptions after what we discovered.

Someone is selling used condoms ...

... and even more people, and we're going to assume they're doing it unknowingly, are buying them.

Listen to today's podcast for all the disgusting details.

Episode 7

Stink Bug Revolution

They come every year ...

... and if you live in the right--or wrong place--you loathe falltime.

They're not huge, but if you smash one, you'll regret it. If you have no clue what we're talking about, consider yourself lucky.

This week we're talking about stink bugs ...

... and unfortunately for everyone out there, this year the stink bugs are going to be bad.

How bad?

Tune in to find out. 

Episode 6

Moon Sickness

What if there was something out there ...

... something you had no control of?

Something that affected you every single day, no matter where you were on planet earth. Something that had the potential to drive you nuts, and no matter what you did, you couldn't get away from it ...

Turns out, that thing is out there, and it watches you every single night, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

Tune in to this week's episode and take in everything you can about the moon.

You'll be grateful you did.

Episode 5


Out of sight ...

... Out of mind?

Not so fast. What you flush isn't gone forever. In fact, it stays around and can sometimes come back to haunt you, to the tune of an 800 pound monster that weighs more than three humpback whales. What is this monster, you might find yourself wondering ...

It's called a fatberg, and here at Reason to Panic, we guarantee that there's one in your sewer. The only question is, will you be ready to deal with it when the monster decides to bite back?

Tune in to this week's episode to find out.

Episode 4

Uber Leaving Cali

Imagine a world without fast food delivery ...

... a world where you couldn't catch a ride anywhere you wanted to go. A world without Uber. Scary thought, right? Well, if you live in California, this could be a reality, and the implications are much, much bigger than a company like Uber leaving the state. 

You see, the State of California has attempted to create a rule, without the vote from its citizens, to force companies that hire independent contractors to treat all their contractors as employees. That includes paying taxes, unemployment insurance, and a host of other things. Long story short ... it's bad for business owners.

Short story long ... listen to the podcast.

Episode 3


What's in a name?

Turns out ... a lot more than you think.

Castor is latin for beaver, and in today's episode, we're talking about beavers. For ages, beavers have been sought after for their pelts, but did you know that it's more than the beaver pelts that had people drooling?

It turns out, there was actually a part of the beaver that was more sought after than their fur: their castor sacs. A gland located near the posterior of the male and female beaver. Those castor sacs were filled with castoreum--a substance that was thought to cure anything from a headache to pregnancy. But today, we simply know it as a "natural flavor."

Which natural flavor you ask?

Tune in to find out.

Episode 2

A Pocket Tsunami

You remember the Tsunami in 2011 ...

... it caused so much damage, some of the nuclear reactors are still leaking radioactive material into the ocean.

Imagine, for a second, of a tsunami from a similarly sized earthquake, but this time it happend underneath a large lake. A large lake full of million dollar homes and tens of thousands of people.

What would happen then?

Tune in to find out.

Episode 1

A Fowl Invasion

Nothing is more terrifying than an invasion you can't stop ...

... no matter the form.

In this week's episode, we're talking about an invasion in Majorca, Spain, and it's an episode you won't want to miss. These small invaders are reaking havoc on the locals, and there doesn't seem to be anything they can do to stop the masses from congregating.

The invaders are small, no bigger than a large rat, but they can fly, and they are smart.

They're pigeons ... and if you've ever been to New York City, you know you don't mess with pigeons--much like the state of Texas.

Listen in to find out what can be done, and if you too may need to worry about a pigeon invasion near you.